We are uncovering better ways to stagnate progress and innovation by blocking ourselves and others.
Through this, we have come to value:

Embracing complexity over seeking simplicity.
Prioritizing deception and concealment over transparency and honesty.
Valuing hierarchy and tenure over innovation and expertise.
Adhering to rigid plans over adapting to change ​​​​.​​

That is, we only value items on the left!

Principles behind the FrAgile Manifesto:
 - Our highest priority is to satisfy leadership and stakeholders, even when they are wrong and disconnected from employee feedback, user/end-user needs, and market conditions.
 - Welcome changes as everything is “Priority 0” or “Priority -1,” even late in our development cycle. We deliver to make leadership happy!
 - We stagnate delivery/progress. The longer it takes, the more changes we can include. It doesn’t matter if requirements are not understood; we deliver half-baked products.
 - Business people disregard technology teams to the point that it is better to outsource them than have them internalized.
 - We build projects around the concept of the Liars Club. We don’t trust anyone to get the job done; we pay cheap workforce to get things done.
 - We hide behind complex processes and, as part of our Liars Club practice, we conceal information and wait for someone else to make mistakes. We avoid face-to-face conversations or use our rank to subjugate others.
 - Our measure of progress is based on who benefits our hidden agendas, and we lower our lack of progress by exposing others.
 - We keep teams, sponsors, developers, and users separated. Information should be provided on a need-to-know basis.
 - We don’t value technical excellence as we see it as an expenditure; therefore, we outsource this so we can blame others for it.
 - Complexity is essential as it is a way to justify how special we are.
 - We buy out requirements and designs, then force them into our teams even when these don’t fit the products and teams.
 - We always seek to avoid ownership and commitments; we ask to be empowered to stagnate further and avoid responsibility.​​​​​​​
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